The month-end process of consolidating data across multiple business units, departments and operating systems can fill us with dread.

The long-hours, the lost weekends and the trawling through spreadsheets trying to correct errors are a familiar (and repeated) experience for many.

This eBook investigates the challenges, the pains and provides hints to a smarter brighter future for financial planning and analysis.

Breaking the Cycle of Month-End Madness

Adam Whittick

I enjoy finding efficiencies in company processes and activities, both through implementing completely new systems and working on existing systems to increase efficiency and accuracy.


Spitfire have a depth of understanding not only in Cognos/TM1 technologies, but also in finance and accounting. It is this combination of expertise and their ability to get to the heart of business problems that has resulted in such confidence in their delivery and capabilities. The insight and value-add they have brought is evident.

- Peter Smith, Head of Solution Delivery, Edrington

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