Finance teams are required to create a wide range of reports required for your organisation to make productive decisions.

IBM® Planning Analytics brings data into the business, manipulates it and outputs reports and dashboard functions. These reports not only look professional, but also demonstrate real insight into how the business has been performing and predictions of how it will perform in the future.

This allows for analysis by users throughout your organisation at the following levels:


Those who receive analysis and apply the findings to daily tasks. For instance, a member of your sales team needing to run inventory on stock levels in order to trigger an ordering process would generate sales reports to identify if targets are being met.

These users don’t build the metrics and algorithms but rely on the output created from the data.


The most commonly held role within an organisation, usually that of data analyst. Typical functions of this role will include:

  • Understanding data feeds and interpreting them for your business
  • Building reports and dashboards
  • Using visualisation tools


Advanced analytical problem solvers who are mathematically minded and statistically astute. They will:

  • Understand and create algorithms to impact on performance analysis
  • Build models based on organisational knowledge


Leaders of your organisation and executive decision makers receiving information based on others’ analysis. Champions will take a 360° approach to formulate strategy using this highly consolidated data.

Get in touch to find out how IBM® Planning Analytics can benefit users throughout your organisation.